Peace Lutheran Church Sussex, Wisconsin

Congregation at Prayer: October 4, 2020

The Creed—The First Article

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Catechesis Notes for the Week — Psalm 93 — A Confession of Faith in the Eternal Reign of the Lord—Psalm 93 is a confession of faith in the LORD as Creator and Savior, whose Word is foundational and true for all of faith and life. The name “LORD” specifically connects us to God’s revelation of Himself at the Burning Bush. He is the great “I AM”—the One and only eternal God of salvation who always was, who is now, and who shall always be. He is the LORD who reigns over His creation and who is also the God of salvation in Christ Jesus. Notice the foundational assertions upon which our faith is based: “The LORD reigns, He is clothed with majesty; The LORD is clothed, He has girded Himself with strength.” We see the “clothing and majesty of the LORD” in the grandeur of His creation. Even though the waters of the Great Flood rose above the entire earth, yet it is the LORD who has established the earth so that it cannot be moved. The One who sent forth the Flood is mightier than the noise of many waters. How comforting it is in our age to know and believe that the LORD who is our Creator is also our Savior. It is He who has both established the earth and sustains her, and who gives salvation to us through His sacrifice upon the cross. The climax of this brief psalm is in the final assertion: The LORD’s testimonies are very sure. They will not be overthrown or contradicted. By the Word of the LORD the heavens and the earth were created and are sustained. When we enter the house of the Lord, we do so to hear these testimonies of the LORD, because they are the source of life, comfort, strength, and hope. By His true and faithful testimonies, the LORD adorns His house with holiness.
