Peace Lutheran Church Sussex, Wisconsin

Congregation at Prayer: January 17, 2021

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism—Part III

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Catechesis Notes for the Week —Psalm 105:23-45—Thanksgiving for the Exodus out of Egypt—The second half of Psalm 105 chronicles all that the Lord did for Israel in the land of Egypt (Ham). He not only brought them into Egypt at the time of Joseph, but during their sojourn in Egypt He caused the children of Israel to increase greatly in number and made them stronger than their enemies. Though He caused the Egyptians to hate them, yet He used their hardness of heart and bitter treatment of Israel for His good purposes. The Lord God did everything for Israel. He sent the signs through Moses and Aaron. He visited His judgment upon Egypt through the plagues. He brought them out of Egypt with the spoils of gold and silver. He brought them through the Red Sea. He led them with His glory cloud in the wilderness. He fed them with manna from heaven, quail to eat, and water from the Rock to drink. He provided everything for them according to His promise made to Abraham. And for all His mighty works, His people respond with joy, gladness, and praise and keep His statutes and laws. What is most interesting about Psalm 105 is that it does not chronicle the doubts, fears, and rebellion of Israel throughout their sojourn, but rather focuses entirely upon what God did in grace for them.
