Peace Lutheran Church Sussex, Wisconsin

Congregation at Prayer: January 24, 2021

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism — Part IV

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Catechesis Notes for the Week —Psalm 106:1-23—A Prayer of Rejoicing in the Lord’s Forgiveness—Psalm 106 continues the theme of meditation upon the Lord’s saving acts in redeeming Israel from Egyptian slavery. In the previous psalm nothing was mentioned of Israel’s failure to trust in the Lord and in all He was doing for them. But in Psalm 106 there is a clear confession of their sin during the time of the Lord’s great deliverance from Egypt. Despite their doubts and fears, the Lord saved them for His name’s sake. He was faithful to His promises of love. Again and again, they went astray, again and again He called them to repentance and through the things they suffered because of their own weaknesses, they would learn to trust Him as their faithful God and Savior. This serves as an example and encouragement to us in our own pilgrimage of faith.
