Peace Lutheran Church Sussex, Wisconsin


Monthly Archives: May 2015

2015 CCA Symposium: Pastoral Care for the Shepherd and His Sheep

May 27, 2015

The forgiveness of sins is at the heart of pastoral care. This is true for the shepherd as well as his sheep. We all need and are dependent upon receiving the Word of Christ’s forgiveness. Pastors cannot give what they have not received. Sheep need pastors who trust in Christ’s forgiveness as that by which they are bound together with their sheep in the body of Christ. This year’s Concordia Catechetical Academy (CCA) symposium will explore this topic and related questions of pastoral care under the Catechism’s Fifth Chief Part: the Office of the Keys and Confession. The symposium will be held jointly at Peace, W240 N6145 Maple Avenue, Sussex and Country Springs Hotel, Waukesha on June 17–19. Contact Matt Gatchell, (262) 246-3200 or visit the website,, for information on speakers and registration. The CCA is an auxiliary organization of Peace, Sussex and is dedicated to the promotion of Luther’s Small Catechism and faithful Lutheran catechesis.