Peace Lutheran Church Sussex, Wisconsin

Congregation at Prayer: June 26, 2022

The Catechism: The Lord’s Prayer—Second Petition

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Catechesis Notes for the Week — This Week’s Bible Stories from St. Luke – At the beginning of Luke 10, the evangelist records Jesus’ Sending out of the Seventy and the instructions He gave them. They were to begin this ministry with prayer that the Lord would send out laborers into the harvest field. Even before they began their work, they were to understand that others would take over after them and that the ministry of the Gospel would expand throughout the life of the Church. He taught them total dependence upon Him and His Word, and that there would be a sacrificial character to their ministry as they would be treated like lambs among wolves seeking to devour them. Ultimately, the message of the Gospel is one of peace with God. The kingdom of God is near wherever the Gospel is preached. Those who receive the Gospel will provide for those from whom they received it. But for those who reject the Gospel in impenitence and unbelief, the judgment will be even more severe for them than it was for Sodom. The ultimate strength and comfort for Christ’s ministers is contained in Jesus’ promise: “He who hears you hears Me, and he who rejects you rejects Me, and he who rejects Me rejects Him who sent Me.” The Seventy Return with Joy and rejoice to be witnesses to the power of the Gospel to save and deliver sinners from the clutches of Satan. Jesus encourages His ministers and every Christian to find our ultimate joy in the promise that our names are written in heaven. Jesus Himself rejoices to reveal the mystery of God’s grace, not to the so-called wise and prudent, but to baptismal babes who have no standing in this world but who rejoice to know and receive His love. The Parable of the Good Samaritan teaches the nature of God’s grace as the Samaritan befriends a man who would have considered him to be his enemy. In the same way, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us and paid whatever was necessary for our redemption. Our Lord brought us to the inn of His Church where we are cared for and nurtured back to health. In the account of Mary and Martha, the simplicity of being a disciple of Jesus is revealed in Mary who sits at Jesus’ feet to receive the “one thing needful”—Jesus’ Word of life, comfort, and peace. St. Peter and St. Paul, Apostles is celebrated on Wednesday where Peter and Paul labor together at the Jerusalem Council to clearly set forth the doctrine of the justification of the sinner before God by faith in Christ alone apart from the works of the Law. This first controversy in the fledgling Church continued to be the fundamental issue that the Church would contend for throughout her history.CP220626