Peace Lutheran Church Sussex, Wisconsin

Congregation at Prayer: June 6, 2021

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism — Part III

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Catechesis Notes for the Week — Psalm 119:17-32—Meditations upon God’s Word—The Gimel section of Psalm 119 teaches us that God deals bountifully with us through His Word. Throughout the entire psalm there are many words that refer to God’s Word. In this section, word, law, commandments, judgments, testimonies, and statutes are all references to God’s Word as the fountain and source of all blessings from the Lord. Each of these words describes the nuances associated with the blessings that God’s Word gives. The believer longs to hear God’s Word and delights in it. God’s Word gives us understanding and turns us away from covetous desires. God’s Word is our counselor. Though persecuted by the proud and political on account of God’s Word, the believer holds fast to the Word.

The Daleth section of psalm 119 teaches us that God’s Word is that which revives our soul. When we are separated from God’s Word our soul clings to the dust and melts from heaviness. God’s Word strengthens us in the way of truth, the certainty of God’s Word and protects us from the lying way. In this section, word, statutes, precepts, way of truth, judgments, testimonies, and commandments are the references to God’s Word. God’s Word fortifies our hearts against attacks upon our faith. The psalmist petitions the Lord not to be put to shame for holding fast to His Word, a petition He most surely hears and answers.
