Peace Lutheran Church Sussex, Wisconsin

Congregation at Prayer: January 3, 2021

The Lord’s Prayer — The Seventh Petition and Conclusion

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Catechesis Notes for the Week —Psalm 104:16-35—Luther on Psalm 104—“The 104th psalm is a psalm of thanks for all the works that God had accomplished in heaven and on earth, beyond those done for us here on earth. He has surely ordered all things according to a wise place to produce works, fruits, and crops. The psalmist recounts these one after the other: the heavens—full of light and outstretched as a tapestry without post or rafters; the clouds—an arch without foundation or pillar; the wind flying without wings; the angels going and coming, appearing like a wind or a flame. Thus sings the psalmist. He finds his desires and joy in God’s creations, which are so wonderfully made and so beautifully ordered together. But who pays attention to this or sees that this is so? Only faith and the Spirit.”—from Reading the Psalms with Luther.  CP210103