Catechesis Notes for the Week — The Reign of David Begins—This week’s Bible stories feature the beginning of David’s reign. He was a man after God’s own heart, a man of repentant faith in the Lord. We see this in the high regard he pays to the centrality of the Ark of the Covenant in Israel’s worship, in the Lord’s covenant with Him, and in how he kept his promise to Jonathan and the household of Saul to care for Mephibosheth, Jonathan’s cripped son. But to say that David was a man after God’s own heart does not mean that he did not struggle with sin. At the end of this week, we hear the account of David’s adultery with Bathsheba and how, through that one action, he transgressed all of God’s Law. David did so many great things throughout his career, but he is not the Savior. Only the greater Son of David is without sin, and only He, Jesus Christ, our Lord, is capable of saving sinners, even the likes of David.CP240915
Peace Lutheran Church
Sussex, Wisconsin