Peace Lutheran Church Sussex, Wisconsin

Congregation at Prayer: September 24, 2023

The Catechism: The Ten Commandments—Ninth and Tenth Commandments

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Catechesis Notes for the Week — The Glory of the Lord’s Saving Presence — At the heart of God’s glory throughout the Scriptures is His saving grace. In a Pillar of Cloud by Day and a Pillar of Fire by Night the Lord manifested Himself to the Children of Israel and led them through the wilderness. The glory cloud was the place of His saving presence. His glory was above the Mercy seat of the Tabernacle where the blood of atonement was sprinkled. At the Tabernacle, the Lord distributed His forgiveness and led them throughout their pilgrimage. After having received the entirety of God’s Law, Israel Departs from Sinai. They were to walk by faith as the Lord led them. Throughout their pilgrimage we see many times of fear, doubt, grumbling, and mistrust of the Lord’s goodness. Yet the glory of His grace did not depart from them. When the People of Israel Complain against the Lord, the Lord Feeds His Grumbling People with Quail. He did not forsake His flock, even though they had so often doubted the provisions of His grace. Even Aaron and Miriam Speak against Moses, but the Lord calls them to repentance and in love for His people reaffirms Moses as the foundational prophet of His glory that they might know the certainty of His care for them. The glory of God is not merely His power; it is, rather, most especially His grace and mercy for sinners. It is this glory of God that we see lifted up in Jesus upon the altar of the cross. Led by Him and the glory of His love, we are kept safe throughout our earthly pilgrimage.CP230924