Catechesis Notes for the Week — Psalm 119: Pe and Tsadde—Meditations on the Word of God—The testimonies of the Lord and the comfort of His righteousness are themes of both the Pe and the Tsadde sections of Psalm 119. In the Pe section, the psalmist begins by the declaration “Your testimonies are wonderful; therefore my soul keeps them.” This is the language of faith in the Gospel of God’s love and salvation in Christ. The testimonies of the Lord are the promises of the Gospel. They are the declarations of forgiveness and righteousness in Christ. God’s Word can be a stern word of Law, but in this section the emphasis is upon the comfort of the Gospel. The Gospel gives light. It gives understanding to the simple. It directs our paths. It does not allow iniquity to rule over us. It is the word of redemption. By the Gospel, God’s face shines upon us and we are grieved by those who turn away from the Gospel in unbelief. In this section, testimonies, words, commandments, word, precepts, statutes, and law are the references to the Word of God. In the Tsadde section, the theme of righteousness intensifies: “Righteous are you…. Your testimonies … are righteous…. Your righteousness is an everlasting righteousness…. The righteousness of Your testimonies is everlasting…” These are not merely references to the holiness of the Lord, but of the righteousness of God in Christ. The righteousness of God is that He offered up His Son to the death of the cross on our behalf to make full atonement for all sin. This is the righteousness that is proclaimed in the Gospel and received by faith alone and not by the works of the Law. Sometimes “commandments” refer to the requirements of the Law, but commandments can also refer to the edicts of the Gospel that silences Satan’s accusations, takes away sin, and bestows the righteousness of Christ. These “commandments” are the eternal delight of the redeemed sinner. In this section, judgments, testimonies, words, word, precepts, law, and commandments are references to the Word of God.
Congregation at Prayer
Monthly Archives: July 2021
The Sacrament of the Altar — What is the Sacrament of the Altar? What is the benefit of this eating and drinking?
July 18, 2021
Download (Adobe PDF)Catechesis Notes for the Week — Psalm 119: Samek and Ayin— Meditations on the Word of God—Spiritual hypocrisy is to have a divided heart, a heart that is not firmly anchored in God’s Word but willfully follows the appetites and desires of the flesh. The Samek section of psalm 119 begins with a rejection of the “double-minded” or divided heart. For the Christian, God’s Word is the place of refuge and safety in the daily allure of the sinful flesh which would lead us astray. “You are my hiding place and shield…uphold me according to Your word, that I may live…Hold me up, and I shall be safe…” The Apostle declared that in his flesh there dwelt no good thing, therefore God’s Word alone is the source of safety, strength, comfort, and life for the faithful Christian. Only God’s Word can deliver us from the evil that lurks within us. In this section, law, word, commandments, statutes, testimonies, and judgments are the references to God’s Word. The Ayin section contains references to God’s righteousness. God’s righteousness ultimately centers in what Christ has done for our salvation in His death upon the cross. There He executed judgment and righteousness on our behalf as He suffered what the Law demanded for our sin. His righteousness is the source of our salvation, the mercy of God, and why the Lord’s commandments are more precious to us than fine gold. References to “the testimonies of the Lord” and His “righteous Word” are descriptions of the Gospel of the righteousness of God in Christ that covers our sin. In this section, righteous word, statutes, testimonies, law, commandments, and precepts are the references to God’s Word.
The Creed — The Second Article
July 11, 2021
Download (Adobe PDF)Catechesis Notes for the Week — Psalm 119: Mem and Nun—Meditations on the Word of God—In the Mem section of Psalm 119, the psalmist boasts of wisdom and understanding, but it is not a wisdom and understanding of his own doing, it is a gift of God’s Word: “Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies…I have more understanding than all my teachers, for Your testimonies are my meditation. I understand more than the ancients because I keep Your precepts.” The Word of God, received in faith and meditated upon throughout one’s life, creates the miracle of godly wisdom and understanding that transcends the most erudite scholar on earth. To God be the glory! This section also speaks of the Word of God as food that is sweeter than honey. In this section, law, commandments, testimonies, precepts, and word are references to God’s Word. The Nun section of Psalm 119 begins with one of the most frequently quoted verses from the entire psalm: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” This verse, linked with Jesus’ promise, “I am the way, the truth, and the life” teach us that the pathway of salvation is found only in Christ who comes to us by His Word. It is Christ who revives us when we are afflicted. It is Christ who opens our hearts to give freewill offerings and to confess His name. Though many dangers overtake us and the wicked lay snares to entrap us, the testimonies of the Lord deliver us every day of our lives. In this section, word, judgments, law, precepts, testimonies, and statutes are references to the Word of God.
The Office of the Keys
July 4, 2021
Download (Adobe PDF)Catechesis Notes for the Week — Psalm 119: Kaph and Lamed—Meditations on the Word of God—In the Kaph section of Psalm 119, we learn that our life, both spiritually and temporally, is dependent upon the Word of God. Our soul faints, our eyes fail, and we become like dried wineskins in smoke apart from the Word of God. It is the Word of God that revives life and gives hope. It is also by the Word of God that we are protected and rescued from the enemies that would destroy the soul. In this section, word, statutes, law, commandments, precepts, and the testimony of Your mouth are all references to God’s Word. In the Lamed section of Psalm 119, the theme of life and salvation through the Word continues. The Word of God stands firm as that by which all of creation is sustained and by which life and salvation comes to us. Apart from the Word of God and holding fast to the Word we perish. In this section, word, ordinances, law, precepts, testimonies, and commandment are the references to the Word of God.