Catechesis Notes for the Week — The Week of Laetare— “Rejoice…”—The Latin title for this week in Lent is “Laetare” which means “rejoice”. It is taken from the Introit for the Sunday, “Rejoice with Jerusalem, and be glad with her, all you who love her.” Whenever we encounter references to the city of Jerusalem within the psalter, we may safely apply the references to the Church today. So, Isaiah and David in this week’s introit are calling us to “rejoice with the church of Jesus Christ and be glad with her. We love the church because it is the place of our Lord’s saving presence. By Word and Sacrament the church is the dispenser of Christ’s saving gifts. We are glad to enter into the congregation of the faithful to receive His gifts and we pray for the Church’s peace and safety.
Rejoice with Jerusalem, and be glad with her, all you who love her;
that you may feed and be satisfied with the consolation of her bosom.
I was glad when they said to me,
“Let us go into the house of the Lord.”
Our feet have been standing within your gates, O Jerusalem!
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:
“May they prosper who love you.”
For the sake of my brethren and companions,
I will now say, “Peace be with- | in you.”
(Isaiah 66:10a, 11a; Ps. 122:1-2, 6, 8)