Peace Lutheran Church Sussex, Wisconsin

Congregation at Prayer: September 22, 2024

Catechism: Ten Commandments—Ninth and Tenth Commandments

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Catechesis Notes for the Week — Strife in the House of David — This week’s Biblical narrative begins with the prophet Nathan being sent to King David to call him to repentance. David had transgressed grievously, committing adultery with Bathsheba, and arranging for the death of her husband to cover his sin. No one can hide from God. In love for David, Nathan was called to do the hard thing: call him to repent. Nathan’s ministry to David was characterized by using language that, though it exposed his sin, did so in such a way that this prodigal king would be called back to the love of the Lord from which he had strayed. David repented. He confessed. He was absolved of his sin. But strife and calamity would follow him for the rest of his days. The child conceived in adultery would die. Another son, Absalom, would betray him and try to steal his throne. Every conceivable difficulty would be experienced in his household and kingdom. Why? Did these terrible things mean that the Lord did NOT forgive him? By no means! Rather, through the things that David suffered, he would learn reliance upon the Lord’s grace alone. We see this miracle of repentant faith throughout David’s prayers in the psalter.CP240922