Peace Lutheran Church Sussex, Wisconsin

Congregation at Prayer: August 28, 2022

Catechism: The Ten Commandments — The Third and Fourth Commandments

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Catechesis Notes for the Week — “Hear Me! Honor Your Father and Mother!” – This week’s catechism meditation focuses upon the Third and Fourth Commandments. “Remember the Sabbath Day” calls us to hear the Word of the Lord. His Word is the source of true rest and eternal peace. By the Word of the Lord faith is created in our hearts, and the fruits of faith are brought forth in our lives. “Honor your father and your mother” is the first commandment under the Second Table of the Law. God’s authority stands behind the authority of our parents and all earthly authority. In the Fourth Commandment the Lord lays upon parents the great responsibility of bringing their children up in the fear of the Lord, and calls children to honor their parents in spite of their failings and shortcomings. In the Boy Jesus in the Temple, obedience to both commandments are seen in Jesus. He not only rejoices to gladly hear and receive the Lord’s Word in the Temple, but by being in the Temple listening to the teachers and asking them questions He honors Mary and Joseph who had taught Him to value God’s Word above all things. In Mary Sits at Jesus’ Feet, we learn that many things in life may be important and even necessary, but the “one thing needful” above all others is to hear and receive the Lord’s Word. In the Rebellion of Absolom, we see the negative example of a son who dishonored and betrayed his father by drawing the people of Israel away from David to himself. In Ruth and Her Kinsman Redeemer, Ruth honors her mother-in-law by confessing faith in the God of Israel and returning with Naomi to Bethlehem to love and support Naomi in her old age. The verse for the week joins both commandments together: the Word that we receive for our life and salvation is to be given to our children in daily prayer and conversation that our children might know the Lord and trust in Him.CP220828