Peace Lutheran Church Sussex, Wisconsin

Congregation at Prayer: April 17, 2022

The Creed — The Second Article

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Catechesis Notes for the Week — Job’s Confession of Faith in the Resurrection—The Prophet Job confessed his faith in Christ and in the resurrection of the body over 2000 years before the death and resurrection of Christ. The promise of salvation in Christ was the source of Job’s faith in Christ and his comfort in suffering. Faith knows by virtue of the Word of God that creates faith. Apart from the Word of God there is no knowing and there is no certainty. The word of God gives certainty to faith, and in our confession, we speak back to God what is true on the basis of His Word. In the midst of Job’s intense physical and emotional pain and suffering, he confesses his faith in ‘My Redeemer’ who would rescue him from the corruption and mortality that sin had brought upon his body. By calling his Savior ‘my Redeemer’ we are reminded of the familiar and intimate words of the Catechism’s explanation to the Second Article, ‘[Christ] has redeemed me…purchased and won me…that I may be His own and live under Him … in righteousness, innocence, and blessedness, just as He is risen from the dead, lives and reigns to all eternity.’” Excerpt from Lutheran Catechesis Catechist Edition, p. 118a.      CP220417