Concordia Catechetical Academy
of Peace Lutheran Church—Sussex, Wisconsin


Downloadable Resources

2023-2024 Congregation at Prayer Master Schedule

This is a compilation of the various Lutheran Catechesis schedules, arranged by week, for each of the 36 weeks of the 2023-2024 academic year, and the 2024 summer months, for use in putting together the Congregation at Prayer.

2023-2024 Congregation at Prayer Material

2024-2025 Congregation at Prayer Material



Los Diez Mandamientos
El Credo Apostolico
La Oración del Señor o El Padrenuestro
El Bautismo
Confesión y Absolución
La Cena del Señor

Catequesis Luterana: Edición del Catecúmeno (available from CCA or from Amazon

Prefacio de Martin Lutero al Catecismo Menor
El Catecismo Menor — RVC
El Catecismo Menor de Lutero con explicaciones


The Lutheran Day School:
Its Theological Foundation and Practice

Table of Contents
Theology of a Lutheran Day School — September 2020


Catechesis at Peace Lutheran Church (entire handout)

What is catechesis?
A Culture of Catechesis
The “Congregation at Prayer
Learn by Heart the catechism
How to learn the catechism by heart
Catechesis: Old Testament, New Testament, and Didache
Overview of Catechesis at Peace Lutheran Church
Policy for first communion and confirmation at Peace

Interruption questions for the Second Article
Interruption questions for the Sacrament of the Altar
60-day Cycle of Praying the Psalter
Lutheran Catechesis
Attendance Sheets, Quizzes, Discussion Exams