Term cards
The “Evangelical Language” terms and definitions are available at the end of Old Testament Catechesis, New Testament Catechesis, and Lutheran Catechesis books. For ease of study, these terms are also available on flashcards. The Old Testament and Lutheran Catechesis terms are printed on 2¾ x 4¼” cardstock. We still have a supply of New Testament terms on the slightly larger 3×5″ cardstock. The parable and miracle study cards are printed on 5½ x 8½” cardstock.
The Old Testament set has 184 term cards.
The New Testament set has 212 cards.
The Lutheran Catechesis set has 204 cards.
The parable/miracle set is 50 study cards.
Learn-by-Heart Certificates
A set of nine full-color parchment certificates. The completion-certificates are awarded to a catechumen who has learned-by-heart the primary text and meaning of a chief part, or who has been catechized in the Old Testament or New Testament stories. These certificates are printed on 5½ x 8½” parchment. The completion certificate to conclude the set is on 8½ x 11” parchment.
DVD on women’s ordination
Pastors, professors, and a deaconess discuss the historic position of the Church regarding the Office of the Holy Ministry and women’s role in church. Only 28 minutes to lay out a clear position from Scripture.
Catechism Posters
CPH offers a beautiful set of posters.
For current prices, see the price sheet.