Catechesis Notes for the Week — Labor Day and the Law — Christians have a unique perspective on work. We work, not to serve ourselves, but to serve our neighbor in love. A man works for his wife and children. An employer serves his employer and the patrons of his business. A business owner employs many workers to help provide them with a livelihood for their families and to serve the community. This is patterned after our faith in Jesus’ work for us. It is this perspective that gives us true and abiding contentment with our lives, not in serving ourselves but in working for others. Christians are not against good works. We are in favor of good works, and we believe in them not for our salvation but for the benefit of our neighbor. As we continue to meditate upon the Ten Commandments, this perspective on work is highlighted in the positive descriptions to the Catechism’s explanations. In short, these descriptions describe what the work of love looks like. In contrast to this, the Bible Narratives for the week recount how the Israelite’s unfaithfulness at Mount Sinai in the worship of the Golden Calf included a thoroughly self-centered disposition toward others. For their salvation, the Lord renewed His covenant with them and erected the Tabernacle as the place of His saving presence so that they could be refreshed and renewed in God’s work for them.CP230903
Peace Lutheran Church
Sussex, Wisconsin