Catechesis Notes for the Week — Psalm 137: A Prayer as Captives in a Foreign Land—Psalm 137 is a lament of the children of Judah whose holy city and Temple were destroyed by the Babylonians because of Judah’s rebellion against the Lord. Psalm 137 captures the sadness of the children of Judah who had lost their kingdom and had been carried away captive. Yet in spite of this lament, they came to believe, in contrition and faith, that the Lord would return them to the land of promise according to His Word. This is our hope as well, even as we lament over mistakes and backslidings in our own lives. “How long will we sing the Lord’s son in a foreign land?” In our prayers we cry out to God to return us to His Word and to keep us faithful to our Lord as we await His return for us in glory. He will remember us during our earthly pilgrimage. He will take vengeance upon the enemies of the Gospel. He will vindicate His people for their confession of faith in Christ.
Peace Lutheran Church
Sussex, Wisconsin