Peace Lutheran Church Sussex, Wisconsin

Congregation at Prayer: August 8, 2021

The Lord’s Prayer — Third Petition

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Catechesis Notes for the Week — Psalm 119: Shin and Tau—Meditations on the Word of God—Psalm 119 concludes with the Shin and Tau sections. Love for the Word of God is the cause of hatred and persecution from those who do not believe in the Lord. Love for the Word of God is also the source of peace and rejoicing for the Christian, especially in the midst of hardship and persecution. The Word of God inspires awe and reverence in the hearts of those who believe. The Word of God causes an aversion toward things that are evil. The Word of God gives peace to those who receive it. The Word of God upholds us so that we do not stumble. The Word of God gives us understanding and wisdom. It is the basis for our supplications and prayers to God. The Word of the Lord is the foundation of our confession of faith in Christ and all that we believe. The Word of God declares us righteous and bestows the gift of salvation. In the Shin and Tau sections of Psalm 119, word, law, righteous judgments, commandments, testimonies, precepts, and judgments are references to the Word of God. The Word of God gives assurance to the Christian that though we may stumble, the Lord will continually seek for us like a shepherd searching for a lost sheep.
