Peace Lutheran Church Sussex, Wisconsin

Congregation at Prayer: September 20, 2020

The Ten Commandments—The Ninth and Tenth Commandments

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Catechesis Notes for the Week — Psalm 91 — A Prayer to Abide in the Lord our Refuge and Fortress—In psalm 91 and throughout the psalter, the Lord is described as the refuge and fortress for His people against every assault from the problems of life and the enemies of faith. Psalm 91 also compares the Lord’s protection to a valiant raptor who shelters us under His wings. Satan attempts to ensnare Christians like a fowler to traps birds. The plagues of Egypt are alluded to in the image of pestilence, darkness, and destruction that lays waste at noon day.  The firstborn not covered in the lamb’s blood died. The Lord stands with us in battle. The Lord is our refuge against every plague. Satan is depicted as a cobra, a lion, and a serpent. The Lord dispatches His holy angles against his attacks, so that we do not stumble or strike our foot against a stone. In Psalm 91, the Lord promises help, protection, and deliverance to every Christian who loves Him and calls upon His name. He promises us, “I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him” (verse 15).
