Peace Lutheran Church Sussex, Wisconsin


Yearly Archives: 2013

“The Privileged Planet” follows January Fish Fry

December 24, 2013


View a fascinating presentation of archaeological and scientific evidence for Biblical Christianity—that man’s place in the universe is uniquely designed and purposeful, Jan 17, 7 p.m. This visually beautiful movie follows the fish fry held from 4:30 p.m.–7:00 p.m. Enjoy dinner ($4-$10) and stay for the thought-provoking DVD.

Service of Lessons and Carols

November 22, 2013


Hear the story of Christmas in word and song at a Service of Lessons and Carols, Dec. 20, 7 p.m. Lesson readings are interspersed with traditional carols and hymns. Join in singing with our Cherub, Academy, and Senior choirs, accompanied by a string ensemble and other instrumentalists. Catch dinner ($4-$10) at our fish fry, served from 4:30-7:00 p.m., prior to the service. Add-on a  homemade dessert to complete your meal. For more information, call 262-246-3200.

“Flee Sexual Immorality…” (1 Cor. 6:18) The Scourge of Pornography in the Church and Society

October 21, 2013


To Everyone an Answer lecture series by Rev. Peter C. Bender presents “The Scourge of Pornography in the Church and Society,” Nov. 10, 5:00–6:30 p.m. This study will address the topic of pornography: its devastating effect upon the culture and the faith and lives of Christians who are ensnared by it, and what Christians are called to for help and victory in the struggle against sexual sin.  Chili and soup supper served. Phone 262-246-3200 for more information.

New Fall Session of Didache (Adult and Youth Catechesis)

August 21, 2013


This fall’s session of Didache will be held on Sunday afternoons beginning Sunday, September 29, at 3:30 p.m.. This year’s Didache will explore the treasures of the faith from the Small Catechism using the Sermon on the Mount and readings from the Gospel of Matthew. If you have attended Didache in the past, this year’s class will focus on a set of readings that we have never before studied in our Didache classes. Most sessions will begin at 3:30 (after Packer games) with a couple sessions at 12 Noon (when the Packers have a late game). What could be more convenient? Didache is intended for those interested in becoming communicant members of our congregation, those curious about the Christian faith, and for long time members of the congregation who desire to be refreshed in the Gospel of Christ. This is a great opportunity for you to bear witness to your faith in Christ with others. Invite them to come with you. There is no obligation to join the congregation. All one has to be is curious and willing to attend. If you offer to join a coworker, neighbor, friend, or relative in the class, you may give them the greatest gift they will ever receive: their Savior Jesus Christ and the comfort of salvation in His name.

2013 Vacation Bible School and Family Suppers

April 8, 2013

Created in God’s Image: The Sanctity of Life, Marriage, Children, and Family is the theme of this summer’s Vacation Bible School and Family Suppers to be held the week of August 12 through the 16, culminating in a community forum on Friday night, August 16, after the Fish Fry. Topics will include the Biblical view of marriage and family, the importance of protecting human life from conception to old age, caring for children, the elderly, and the infirm, and the attacks of contemporary culture on traditional marriage and the sanctity of life.

During the morning, children will be grounded in the truths of God’s Word concerning the value of God’s gifts of human life, marriage and family. They will also sing, play games, and engage in special crafts that support the lessons.  Over the supper hours, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., adults and families will gather for supper studies and activities that will enrich and equip them to live as Christians in a culture that is increasingly hostile to their faith and values. This week of study, food, fun activities, and worship will not only defend the Biblical teaching on marriage and family, it will also hold up the wonderful and precious gifts that God gives us to offer to the world, gifts that are redeemed and sanctified by Christ’s redeeming work upon the cross. Children, families, and adults who would like to participate should register in the church office. Call (262) 246-3200 or return the registration form available on the church website, Volunteers for VBS teachers, craft and recreation leaders, and snacks can sign up through the church office.       VBS Registration 2013


 The following is a general outline of the week’s schedule:

Vacation Bible School for children (preschool through grade eight)

  • 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. Monday through Friday

Family Suppers

  • 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday
  • Wednesday Vespers Service on Marriage and Family for the Community, 6:45 p.m.
  • Friday supper on your own or at the Fish Fry
  • Community Forum on the Sanctity of Life, Marriage, and Family on Friday from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. (after the Fish Fry)

To Everyone An Answer –Chili and Soup Suppers

February 26, 2013

“Cyberspace and Christianity—the Blessings and the Curses,” the final topic of the four-part To Everyone an Answer lecture series, will be presented by Pastor Bender on Sunday, March 10, 5:00–6:30 p.m. The internet affords many opportunities and dangers for Christians and the Church. This study will explore the blessings and curses associated with the cyberspace age in which we live. Whether digitally connected or totally unplugged, a chili and soup supper is served. For more information, e-mail: [email protected] or phone: (262) 246-3200.

11th Annual Goods and Services Auction

February 19, 2013

Join us at our 11th Annual Goods and Services Auction Sunday, Feb. 24, 11 am–4 pm at Silver Spring Country Club, N56 W21318 Silver Spring Dr., Menomonee Falls. A vacation getaway, entertainment and sports, art and beauty, business and dining services are popular items at this fundraising event for Peace Lutheran Academy. Raffle items and a fine-lunch buffet make this live and silent auction a fabulous, fun way to get a good deal. Lunch with admission begins at $22.50; admission only: $5.00. For group discounts, contact Deacon Gatchell: (262) 246-3200, email: [email protected]. Click to view the 2013 auction flyer: donation and ticket information.