Divine Service: Preaching and the Lord’s Supper
5:00pm Saturday
7:45am Sunday
10:30am Sunday
6:45pm Wednesday
(Chalice is offered at all services.
Individual cups will also be offered at
7:45 service on 2nd & 4th Sundays,
10:30 service on 1st & 3rd Sundays,
and on Wednesday evenings.
Those with special concerns are encouraged
to speak with Pastor.)
Sunday Bible class
9:15 between the services
Sept/Oct — the theology of the Lutheran Day School
beginning in Oct — Old Testament Catechesis
Didache: Lutheran Catechesis followed by the Lord’s Supper
10:30am Monday (beginning Sept 14)
Coffee Break Bible Study (resuming Sept 10)
8:00am Thursday — Matins followed by the Lord’s Supper
9:00 am — class in the nave
Chapel using Congregation at Prayer,
with Matins on Thursdays
8:00am Mon-Fri, when school is in session
Through the week:
5:00 Saturday Divine Service
7:45 Sunday Divine Service
9:15 Sunday Bible class
10:30 Sunday Divine Service
8:00 Monday chapel
10:30 Monday Didache Divine Service
8:00 Tuesday chapel
8:00 Wednesday chapel
6:45 Wednesday Divine Service
8:00 Thursday chapel (Matins)
8:30 Thursday Lord’s Supper
9:00 Thursday Coffee Break Bible Study
8:00 Friday chapel