In this third offering in the To Everyone an Answer lecture series, the Rev. Peter Bender explores the origin and history of the Lutheran Church, how this confessional movement fits into the scheme of denominationalism, and the origin and differences among the American Lutheran synods. Who are we? Where did we come from? How should we confess the faith among other Lutherans who are not part of our fellowship? These are all questions Pastor Bender will seek to answer in his presentation on Friday, January 16 at 7:00 p.m. The lecture begins after the fish fry which is served from 4:30-7:00 p.m. Dinners range from $4-$10, and homemade desserts are available at modest prices.
Yearly Archives: 2014
24th Annual Service of Lessons and Carols Dec. 19
December 9, 2014
This Christmas season delight to hear again the message of the angels; in heart and mind to go even unto Bethlehem and see this thing which is come to pass, and the Babe lying in
a manger. Join us in singing traditional carols of Christmas and hearing the story of the loving purpose of God at Peace’s 24th Annual Service of Lessons and Carols, Friday, Dec. 19, 7:00 p.m. The service features our children and adult choirs, accompanied by instrumentalists. For more information, call Peace: 262-246-3200.
Why So Many Christian Denominations?
November 4, 2014
As the second of the four-part To Everyone an Answer lecture series, Pastor Bender presents “Why so Many Christian Denominations?” on Friday, November 21, 7:00 p.m. This historical and doctrinal overview will explore the major confessional themes and origins of mainline Christian denominations. Addressing contemporary topics concerning the faith, this lecture seeks to answer the following questions: Where did denominations come from? What are the similarities and differences? Where does the Lutheran Church “fit” into the vast array of Christian denominations? How should Lutherans confess the faith among other Christians and before the world in a pluralistic age? The presentation begins after the Family Fish Fry which serves dinners ($4-$10) from 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Home-baked desserts are available at modest prices.
Preus Lecture on Suicide on Oct. 19, Kapelle Concert on Oct. 25
September 25, 2014
The Rev. Peter Preus will be presenting “The Problem of Suicide” Sunday, October 19 as part of Peace’s To Everyone an Answer lecture series. The Rev. Preus will focus his comments on the comfort and hope that the Gospel offers to those who may be wrestling with the loss of a loved one from suicide or struggling with the temptation to commit suicide. While Pastor Preus’s book And She Was A Christian: Why do Believers Commit Suicide? is aimed at pastors, teachers, and counselors of the Church, laypeople—youth groups, young adults, and parents—are encouraged to attend. Peace will provide a chili and soup supper, beginning at 5:30 pm. Childcare will be available. All is offered at no cost. Contact Pastor Bender (262) 370-1189 for more information.
Kapelle, Concordia University Chicago’s premier ensemble choir, presents “Holy is His Name” on Saturday, October 25, 7:00 pm, featuring works by Persichetti, Bach, Bouman and others. Kapelle will join with the Peace Lutheran Academy Choir in a lovely evening of choral music. A freewill offering will be received. For more information about Kapelle, its director Charles Brown, or Concordia University Chicago, call (812) 372-1571. Kapelle will also join in worship with Peace’s Senior Choir at the Divine Services on Sunday, Oct. 26, 7:45 and 10:30 am.
We welcome you to either of these events being held at Peace, W240 N6145 Maple, Ave., Sussex. If you have any questions, please call (262) 246-3200.
Didache begins Monday, Sept. 22 at 7pm
August 18, 2014
“Didache” means “teaching” and signifies the foundational teaching that we as Lutheran Christians believe, teach, and confess. Didache is a twenty-four week, intensive course in the Bible, Catechism, and Liturgy of the Church for the spiritual renewal of our adult members, all new members of the congregation, perspective members, new Academy parents, and for those who simply want to learn more about what we believe and why we worship the way we do. If you haven’t been to Didache before, or if you are a new member, or if you are interested in membership, this course is for you! For more information or if you are in need of childcare or babysitting on Monday nights so that you and your spouse can attend, please speak to Pastor Bender.
Flea Market and Craft Fair Aug. 16
August 3, 2014
Browse for new treasure at a multi-vendor craft fair and multi-family flea market featuring outdoor and indoor spaces, August 16, 8 a.m.–3 p.m. at Peace, W240 N6145 Maple Ave., Sussex. For vendor information, contact Deacon Gatchell (262) 246-3200 or e-mail: [email protected]. Vendor applications are also available by download: Peace Lutheran Academy serves concessions: brats, hamburgers, hot dogs, beverages and snacks, as well as homemade bake sale items. All proceeds benefit Peace Lutheran Academy.
Baptism: Our Daily Life in Christ Vacation Bible School 2014 July 28–August 1, 9–11am
June 24, 2014
What is Baptism and what does it mean to live in one’s baptism daily? Learn about baptism and its daily significance in the life of believers at Vacation Bible School (VBS). Enjoy games, sing songs, have a snack, and make a craft to take home. Open to kids ages preschool to eighth grade. Attend one day or all five. Pre-register by phone: (262) 246-3200 or download the form. Need more information? Contact Peace: [email protected].
VBS Registration 2014
CCA Symposium June 18–20: Catechesis on the Lord’s Prayer
May 18, 2014
“Lord, teach us to pray.” Christian prayer is the voice of faith that rests upon the promises of the Gospel and not the threats or coercion of the Law. Using Luther’s Small Catechism and the narratives of Holy Scripture, this year’s symposium will feature sample catechesis on the Lord’s Prayer by experienced pastors. Why we pray; the joy and peace that prayer affords; the place of meditation in Christian piety; and the blessings of prayer for individuals, families, and congregations are among the topics that will be covered. The symposium will be held jointly at Peace Lutheran Church, Sussex and Country Springs Hotel, Waukesha on June 18–20. Contact Deacon Gatchell, 262-246-3200, or visit the CCA website,, for more information. The Concordia Catechetical Academy (CCA) is an auxiliary organization of Peace, dedicated to the promotion of Luther’s Small Catechism and faithful Lutheran catechesis.
Spring Choir Concert After May Fish Fry
April 13, 2014
Travel the world in song at the Peace Lutheran Academy and Cherub Choirs Spring Concert, Friday, May 16, 7 pm. The concert features music from Africa, the Caribbean, England, Germany, and Israel as well as traditional hymns from the church year. Directed by Kathy May, the children’s choirs consist of students associated with Peace. Admission is free. Enjoy a fish fry dinner ($4–$10, served from 4:30–7:00 pm) before the concert. Take home dessert or fresh bakery at modest prices. For more information, contact Peace: (262) 246-3200.
April Fish Fry Features “The Passion of the Christ”
March 25, 2014
Watch a dramatic portrayal of the final hours and crucifixion of Jesus Christ—His Passion for us and for our salvation. The Passion of the Christ movie will be shown at 7:15 p.m. on April 11, following the Fish Fry. A Lenten Hymn sing will precede the movie at 7:00 p.m. in the nave of the Church. The family fish fry serves dinners ($4–$10) from 4:30–7:00 p.m in Loehe Hall.