Peace Lutheran Church Sussex, Wisconsin


Monthly Archives: August 2014

Didache begins Monday, Sept. 22 at 7pm

August 18, 2014

“Didache” means “teaching” and signifies the foundational teaching that we as Lutheran Christians believe, teach, and confess. Didache is a twenty-four week, intensive course in the Bible, Catechism, and Liturgy of the Church for the spiritual renewal of our adult members, all new members of the congregation, perspective members, new Academy parents, and for those who simply want to learn more about what we believe and why we worship the way we do. If you haven’t been to Didache before, or if you are a new member, or if you are interested in membership, this course is for you! For more information or if you are in need of childcare or babysitting on Monday nights so that you and your spouse can attend, please speak to Pastor Bender.

Flea Market and Craft Fair Aug. 16

August 3, 2014

Browse for new treasure at a multi-vendor craft fair and multi-family flea market featuring outdoor and indoor spaces, August 16, 8 a.m.–3 p.m. at Peace, W240 N6145 Maple Ave., Sussex.  For vendor information, contact Deacon Gatchell (262) 246-3200 or e-mail: [email protected]. Vendor applications are also available by download: Peace Lutheran Academy serves concessions: brats, hamburgers, hot dogs, beverages and snacks, as well as homemade bake sale items. All proceeds benefit Peace Lutheran Academy.