Peace Lutheran Church Sussex, Wisconsin


Monthly Archives: August 2023

Resumption of study and activities

August 22, 2023

The congregation is invited to attend daily prayers at 8:30am on days school is in session (beginning August 23).   

Coffee Break Bible Study picks up on August 24 for the new year.  Class begins at 9:30, but you may wish to come at 8:30 for Matins and the Lord’s Supper.  We will be studying the Gospel of St Mark this year.

Senior choir will begin practicing the Wednesday after Labor Day.

Didache will meet again on Wednesday evenings, in the context of the Divine Service, beginning Sept 13.  This year we will be looking at the teachings of the catechism by focusing on Mark’s gospel.  

Friday night fish fry is expected to resume in October, at a date yet to be determined.

Opening Service

August 15, 2023

The opening for the new year at Peace Lutheran Academy will be incorporated into the Divine Service on Sunday, August 20.  Teachers will be installed at the 7:45 service.  Please pray for the Lord’s blessings on our students, teachers, parents, and staff.