Peace Lutheran Church Sussex, Wisconsin


Monthly Archives: May 2020

Summer Service Schedule Starting June 6

May 26, 2020

The Summer Service Schedule will officially begin on Saturday, June 6th:

  • Saturday services 3:15 and 5:00pm, Sunday services 7:45 and 10:30am
    • Limit 50 per service
    • Please sign up as usual
    • Live-streaming — 10:30am service


  • Sunday Bible class (weather permitting) 9:15 on the patio
    • Some seating will be provided on the patio
    • You are welcome to bring a lawn chair or blanket for the grass
    • Please bring your own Bible


  • Monday Divine Service at 7:00pm (individual cup)
    • Limit 25
    • Please sign up as usual
    • Tuesday service at 7:00 may be added if Monday’s service fills up


  • Wednesday Divine Service at 6:45pm (individual cup)
    • Limit 50
    • Please sign up as usual


  • The Gerhardt Room will be available for all services for those with special needs
    • Communion will be distributed first to those in the Gerhardt Room


  • Daily chapel with communion Mon–Fri at 8:00am


  • In-home communion for shut-ins and those who request it
    • Call the church office to request a visit



Those without online access may call the church office and we will provide you with a printed copy or CD of services that you were unable to attend.

Friday 5-22 Update

May 22, 2020

Summer Service Schedule begins  June 6.

Saturday services 3:15 and 5:00pm.   
Sunday services 7:45 and 10:30am.

  • Limit 50 per service. Please sign up as usual: (262) 246-3200.
  • Live-streaming — 10:30 service.


Sunday Bible class (weather permitting) 9:15 on the patio.

  • Some seating will be provided on the patio.
  • You are welcome to bring a lawn chair or blanket for the grass.
  • Please bring your own Bible.


Monday and Tuesday Divine Services at 11:00am (individual cup).

  • Limit 25.


Wednesday Divine Service at 6:45pm (individual cup).

  • Limit 50.


The Gerhardt Room will be available for all services for those with special needs. 

  • Communion will be distributed first to those in the Gerhardt Room.


Access to the building throughout the parking-lot construction will be allowed only through the patio entrances.

  • Parking throughout construction will be available on Maple Avenue, side streets, and at Maple Ave School.
  • A special transport vehicle will assist those with ambulatory needs.


Daily chapel with communion Mon–Fri at 8:00am.


Previous schedule continues through May.
No services on Memorial Day.

Wednesday 5-20 Update

May 22, 2020

Service schedule remains the same through May, but with somewhat increased numbers.  Please continue to make appointments for a service.  Memorial Day — no chapel and no 11:00 service.  During construction on the parking lot (beginning May 26) you will be able to enter church only through the patio doors at the front of the building.  

Thursday 5-14 Update

May 14, 2020

Services continue Saturday through Tuesday, as planned.  Please come to the service you signed up for.  More information should be available Wednesday for next weekend’s schedule.  If you will be attending an Ascension service, please call the office to reserve a spot.  Wednesday at 6:45 will have individual cups; Thursday’s 6:45 service will have the chalice.