Summer Service Schedule begins June 6.
Saturday services 3:15 and 5:00pm.
Sunday services 7:45 and 10:30am.
- Limit 50 per service. Please sign up as usual: (262) 246-3200.
- Live-streaming — 10:30 service.
Sunday Bible class (weather permitting) 9:15 on the patio.
- Some seating will be provided on the patio.
- You are welcome to bring a lawn chair or blanket for the grass.
- Please bring your own Bible.
Monday and Tuesday Divine Services at 11:00am (individual cup).
- Limit 25.
Wednesday Divine Service at 6:45pm (individual cup).
- Limit 50.
The Gerhardt Room will be available for all services for those with special needs.
- Communion will be distributed first to those in the Gerhardt Room.
Access to the building throughout the parking-lot construction will be allowed only through the patio entrances.
- Parking throughout construction will be available on Maple Avenue, side streets, and at Maple Ave School.
- A special transport vehicle will assist those with ambulatory needs.
Daily chapel with communion Mon–Fri at 8:00am.
- Live-streaming daily.
Previous schedule continues through May.
No services on Memorial Day.