Saturday service-time changes slightly. Chapel will be at 8:00 only. Keep an eye on the Sunday bulletins for the latest information.
Live-streamed services are Saturday 4:30, Sunday 10:30, and chapel.
Daily Chapel | (common cup available) | |
Monday to Friday | 8:00am | |
Weekday Divine Services | (individual cup) | |
Mon & Tuesday | 11:00am | |
Wednesday | 6:45pm | |
Weekend Divine Services | (common cup) | |
Saturday | 3:15, 4:30, 5:45 | |
Sunday | 7:45, 9:15, 10:30, 11:45 |
Please phone the church office if you are unable to attend and would like a pastor to visit you at home.
Remember to phone the church office (262-246-3200) to reserve a spot at one of the services.
Make use of the Congregation at Prayer. Set aside time to regularly and faithfully pray and read the Scriptures utilizing the Congregation at Prayer. Know that while you are doing this in your homes with your families, the rest of the congregation is united with you in faith and prayer.
Check the website each week for recordings of sermons and services, videos of services which have been live streamed, devotions from Pastor Bender, and updates from the leadership of the congregation. The bulletin, Congregation at Prayer, and sermon are available at our website: Our administrative group will do everything we can to supply information to the elderly and others who do not have internet access.